
We are Alpha Psi Omega: Gamma Gamma Chapter located at the University of Alabama. This website is run by our wonderful DEI Committee. To the right (or below if you're on mobile) there are multiple helpful links where you can find a little bit about us, our mission statement, upcoming DEI events, our DEI holiday calendar, our social medias, a place to give feedback or ask for advice, and some entertaining media created by our students here at UA APO.We hope you enjoy your time here! :)Check out our “DEI Media” page for our Disability Pride Spotlight!

About Us

Alpha Psi Omega's official motto is "Seek a Life Useful.” To "Seek a Life Useful" is to live life to its fullest potential, and we as an organization have the power to do so by promoting the arts}, raising awareness, and sharing individual artistic voices through one unified community.

Mission Statement

Alpha Psi Omega strives to be diverse, to create equal opportunities, and to be inclusive. As an organization, we commit to creating an accepting environment that holds open conversations with, and about, minority groups.This website provides NMCs, members, and individuals not affiliated with APO, with resources that they can use to better educate themselves and educate others.
In turn, better education will lead to healthy conversations and encourage these individuals to be proactive in their own lives.
Staying silent while other individuals are being discriminated against is a form of discrimination in itself. Being proactive in equity and inclusion will help make this chapter of Alpha Psi Omega a welcoming place for all.
Our Alpha Psi Omega DEI Committee strives to make every voice heard.
Seek every life useful.

DEI Events

Here is where we will post upcoming DEI Events!

DEI Calendar

Here is the link to open the DEI Holiday Calendar spreadsheet!
[opens with Google Sheets]

Social Media

Our main Instagram: @apogammagammacast
Our YouTube Channel: Alpha Psi Omega - Gamma Gamma Cast
Our Chapter Website: apogammagammaua.weebly.com


Any comments, questions, or concerns?
Email our DEI Coordinator, Valerie Allen, at [email protected], or fill out our Anonymous Feedback Form!
While the form can be used for anonymous feedback, it can also be used to ask for advice, or to ask respectful questions about experiences that other minorities may face. You can keep it anonymous, or leave your name if you'd like. Questions will be answered on the DEI Media page.The only way we can achieve a healthy environment is by hearing your opinions.
We want to make sure every voice is heard, any feedback is appreciated :)

DEI Media

Here is where we post media that other students have created for education and entertainment :)

"You Aren’t Strong Enough” by Liesl Spiel